Other Dissemination Activities

International Scientific Symposium “The Paradigm of Consciousness – Multi- and Interdisciplinary Approaches, 6th Edition – Contextualizing Mental Health: the Relationship between Individual, Society, Conscience/Consciousness”

Ph. D. Cristina Maria Tofan

A Multi-disciplinary scientific symposium on mental health, December 12-12, 2024, organized by Gheorghe Zane Institute for Econimic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch

The 6th Edition of the International Scientific Symposium “The Paradigm of Consciousness” focused on contextualizing mental health within the frameworks of individual, societal, and collective conscience. Bringing together experts in psychology, sociology, philosophy, and neuroscience, the symposium tackled critical themes, including mental health disparities, the role of consciousness in mental health, and innovative interventions such as yoga, virtual therapy, narrative therapy, mindfulness, and body-centered therapies. Solutions for employees regarding mental health issues were discussed.
Highlights included groundbreaking discussions on mental health’s socio-cultural determinants, the therapeutic potential of new techniques, and the psychological impact of digitalization, presented by esteemed scholars and practitioners worldwide. The event fostered meaningful interdisciplinary dialogue to enhance mental health policies and promote integrative therapeutic approaches.

Sustainable Employment and Careers for Older Workers

Alessandro Lo Presti

Dr. Alessandro Lo Presti presents at a two days international conference:
Psychology of Selection and Assessment:
Calling, Meaning, Purpose, and Sustainable Development.
Perspectives and Imperatives for
Decent, Dignified, Worthy, Healthy Work and Life.


Martina Rasticova

Dr. Martina Rasticova (Chair of CA) talks about cost action: Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization


Martina Rasticova, Stepan Konecny, Jakub Sacha, Martin Lakomy

Amids population ageing: a multifaceted analysis of stereotypes, inequalities, and perceptions in the modern workplace

Effects of digital skills and other individual factors on retirement decision‑making and their gender differences

Martin Lakomý

Rapid digitalisation in the labour market brings additional uncertainties for older workers, who can opt for early retirement due to increasing digital demands of work. Martin Lakomý studied the impact of digital skills on retirement planning, which has not been covered yet.
Digital literacy: Lower digital skills are connected to retirement planning in standard analytical procedures, but this connection has a form of association – not a causal effect. Family structure: The birth of a new grandchild strongly (and causally) increases retirement plans for women, but not for men.

Self-employment: Older workers in this type of job plan to work longer. Do you think the difference emanates from higher work flexibility or lower pension eligibility of older workers?

Curious about the detailed results on characteristics affecting which older workers intend to retire as soon as possible? 

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