Older Workers’ Reference Group

What is the OWRG

OWRG has developed a deliberative participatory structure with one member from each Working Group 1-5 and members from outside COST Action CA21107 to capture the older worker’s perspectives. The basic role is to share information on what was going on in each WG that might be of interest to be known by others and to approach the other WGs’ needs. Any information about policies at the macro level (country reports of WG4) as well as at the micro level/organizational level (country reports of WG2) to be combined with findings from WG1 (inequalities in the labour market for older workers) and WG3 country reports on health issues. A collaboration between working groups might provide better results, especially in their publications. 

What are the high-level goals/plans?

  • To contribute to the strategy and work of the CA21107
  • To share the perspective and activities of each CA21107 WG 1-5
  • To give feedback on CA21107 WG 1-5 activities
  • To be co-authors or reviewers of policy briefs and book chapters
  • To present case studies on older workers’ experiences and perspectives on digitalization 
  • To organize workshops by inviting outside stakeholders to exchange research results on the impact of digitalization on older workers
  •  To share news/ information on social media and other networks.

Merita Xhumari


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