Short-term scientific missions
Short-term scientific missions (STSMs) are exchange visits between researchers involved in DIGI-net, allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST Member/Cooperating Member or Near-Neighbour Country joining the Action. These scientific missions are done by researchers or innovators for specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time: it may last from 5 days to 180 days. Their aim is to foster collaboration in excellent research infrastructures and share new techniques that may not be available in a participant’s home institution or laboratory
We are pleased to announce the first DIGInet call for STSM (grand period 2).
Example of STSM: Digitalization in the workplace and its effects on older employees
Eriona Shtembari from the University of New York Tirana in collaboration with Matt Flynn at Leicester University, UK and Martina Rašticová at Mendel University, Czech Republic dived into researching of the topic “Digitalization in the workplace and its effects on older employees”
Example of STSM: Technostress among older academic workers
Sylwia Przytula from Poland has completed a Short-Term Scientific Mission at Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic under collaboration with Martina Rasticova. During a one-week stay (11th-15th Sep 2023), Sylwia conducted a series of interviews with older scholars, delving into the impacts of technostress in the academic world.